Monday, December 24, 2012


Hi Ya'll!

First off...I want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!

It's definitely one of my favorite days of the year.

Secondly...I'm Co-Hosting over at Tell Me About it Tuesday with Helene In Between and Emily at Newlywed Moments.  I'm super excited!  Ya'll link up, too!

It's time for Tuesday's Threads and ya'll will be so proud...I have FOUR outfits to share! 

Cardi/Sweater-Ross, Jeans-Steinmart, Boots, Payless
 Blazer-Ross, Pants-Steinmart
 Sweater-Target, Pants-Target, Scarf-Sam Moon, Boots-Groovy's Boutique
Dress-Ross, Tights-Wal-Mart, Shoes-Ross

I hope that everyone has a wonderfully blessed Christmas and is able to be with their loved ones.
Christmas, to me, is so much more than the gifts and decorations.  It's the time we celebrate our Savior's birth.  I think we sometimes get so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle and forget what we're truly celebrating.  This year we did very minimal gift giving due to wedding planning and it's been so nice to not worry about wrapping and shopping and just enjoy the reason for the season. 
Merry Christmas, Ya'll!

Newlywed Moments
Now...go link up with us for Tell Me About it Tuesday and tell us what's new!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, December 21, 2012

What's In Your Purse?

Hi Ya'll!

I'm laughing at my title of my blog today because I actually work for Capital One where our slogan is "What's in Your Wallet?"...I'll tell you what's in  my wallet...nothing fun.  A lot of "discount cards" for stores that don't even work and a lot of old receipts.  No monies!

I'm linking up with Annie Sauce and Katie today.  And I'm going to show you all the crap I keep in my purse.  And to be honest, I just cleaned it out the other day, so this is pretty clean.

 It's a big one (twss) so there's room for lots of crap.

It looks pretty good, right?  Wrong...

 Here's an organized mess of what I found in my bag.

 Clearly, I have a fear of not having enough shades...

 Inside my dirty make-up bag.

Let's dissect this...

1) A Louis Vuitton wallet that I purchased years ago when I was having an "I'm feeling rich" effect...when in reality I was a poor college kid w/ a big credit card limit.  Hard lesson learned.

2) A make-up bag full of lip gloss and covered in broken blush.

3) 3 pairs of cheap, like less than $10 sunglasses that will probably all be broken in the next month.

4) An empty prescription bottle w/  no lid for my "calming" pills...I need a re-fill, obv.

5) Car keys.  Isn't my Coach owl key chain adorable?  Thanks, Mom!

5) Receipts for places that I spent entirely too much money.  Sam Moon, BB&B and a bar we frequent.

6) Trash. I.E. A stick from the Starbucks drinks, a light bulb, a mangled Christmas ornament hook, some teeth thing (no idea where it came from!)

7) My work ID badge that has sticky gum all over the back.  SICK!

8) A tea pot charm that my BFF gave me on her wedding day that I need to have added to my charm bracelet.

9) Hair clips, ties and bobby pins...these ARE a necessity...however, I didn't know they were in there and I always seem to be asking other people for them...

10) BB Cream from Clinique that my friend Britt gave me Saturday...I've used it, can you tell??

11) A flashlight.  Because you never know...

12) A watch.  It was getting on my nerves the other day.

13)  My fav gum...which happens to spill out everywhere and then get stuck to everything else in my purse. (see ID badge)

14) An earring piece from a broken earring that I apparently thought I was going to salvage...but there's no earring in, yeah....

15) A random silver ring.

That's it!  So go link up and show us what's in your wallet purse.

Enjoy...The Curvy Life.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

You See, The Trouble Is...

Hi Ya'll...

The weekend is near...I can see it! 

I can also see the bazillion Christmas celebrations we have this weekend and I'm so excited.  My Grinch The Fiance...he is a little less thrilled but still excited about hanging out w/ fam.

Today's post is going to be me complaining explaining a few things I find troubling.

1) Texas Weather. 

I think Texas is going through an identity crisis, for real this year.  It's acting all tropical and shit.  Get it together.  It's December. Can we at least stay in the 60's?

2) Wearing a coat while driving.

I get in the car, I'm freezing.  The sun hits me, I'm hot. 
I can't really manage to move my body because the coat is so bulky.
It's one of those whole body moves. 
It's just a mess.

I feel how I imagine this monkey feels in a huge coat. 
You know he had trouble turning his head or driving a car.

3) The world ending.
First off, I'm not really worried about that.
What I AM worried about is the crazies that are.
I work for a a do you say this...GHETTO area.  Lots of homeless peeps running around.  I just really hope they all get their drugs/40 oz and stay calm tomorrow.

 Fo realz....Christmas is coming!!
Or this will be me.
Or I'll be hiding under my desk. 
Yeah, probably hiding under my desk.

UPDATE:  It's the 21st in Australia...
I have some friends there. 
They're still kicking. 
Things are looking good.

4) Christmas is only a few days away and I haven't baked once.
I have a Kitchen Aid mixer that is pissed off right now.
Also a lot of co-workers that are wondering where their tins of goodies are.
It's not going to happen,  ya'll...where did December go?

5) I have to work all next week. 
So Wednesday should be really fun at work after having a couple of bottles glasses of wine.

It's really not.

6) This book.

Is this real?
I bet they sell it at the Wal-Mart by my office, if so.

7) My new found love for GIFS.
Yes, I know, they're like so 2009 but I just discovered them. 
They make so many circumstances funnier.
Britt Britt gifs are my fav.

Enjoy...The Curvy Life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wrap UP on a Wednesday! Your Mind=Blown, Right?

Hi ya'll!

Did you miss me.  Have you been checking my blog daily for updates? ha!

I took a couple of days (Monday and Tuesday) off since I will be slaving working the week of Christmas.  What kind of country is this?  If I ran things, we'd all get the whole week of Christmas off.  As well as every other week in the year.  Working sucks. Dammit, where's that silver spoon, Momma and Daddy?

Enough of my whining rambling...I figured I'd go ahead and tell about how fabulous and lazy my few days off were!

Saturday I had brunch (classy way of saying "we started drinking at 1")with some of my bestest friends.  We went to a little place in the "Uptown" area of Dallas called Villa-O.  Let me tell you, I am so glad I didn't carry my fake Louis V because those bitches rich women would have smelled it a mile away.  Also, I fit in so great in my Payless tall boots and entire outfit from Steinmart.  I'm sure they knew how wealthy I was, especially when I valet'ed, yes, I'm big time, my Kia Sportage!  Regardless of the snobbery present we had a great time for one reason, two words.  Bottomless Mimosas.  They also have good food, too. 

It's probably just my poorness low self esteem. 
But I'm pretty sure they did this when they(rich girls) walked by.
Sometimes I think "Why can't I be a $30,000 a year millionaire and pretend to be rich, too!"

But let's be honest here,
 I'd totes join them if my parents hadn't failed to birth me with that damn silver spoon in my mouth. 
I'm supposed to be rich, what were they thinking?

Bottomless Mimosas.  Yes, please!

 Me and very first BFF...since like kindergarten. 
Friends for life, yo!

Britt, Haley and I.
Taking a million pictures for Instagram, of course!

We continued our day drinking well into the night.  We couldn't figure out why the bars were so "dead"...until a bar tender reminded us that it was only 5:00 and "things don't get started until around 9 or 10".  Yeah...we didn't make it that late.  We went home, stuffed our faces, laughed hysterically at each other's jokes because we're the funniest people we know and ended the night with some Reba Mcentire karaoke.

After all that mess.  I spent the entire day Sunday in my bed.  I don't even know that I left for food.  I think The Fiance brought me lunch.

Monday was just as lazy as Sunday, which, to me, is the perfect vacation.  I spent the entire day watching the first Season of American Horror Story on Netflix at my SIL's.  I watch the second season but had never seen the that it's on Netflix for free I had to watch it.  That ish is scary.  I 'm not sure which season is scarier...but I'm gonna say probs the first considering the amount of nightmares I had Monday night.  I wish they were all of Tate's sexy smile...but they weren't.

Pretty much me, all night long.

Tuesday was fun.  I went shopping with my momma and  my grandmother.  I call her Moner.  We went to Sam Moon...which I am so pissed at myself because I should have taken pictures so I could do a blog post about that amazing place...but I was too overstimulated by all the jewelry, scarves and purses!  Oh my!  We also did a lot of other shopping and I'm happy to report, I'm 100% done with my Christmas shopping!  Not that I had much to buy...The Fiance and I are using what we would normally spend to put toward the wedding.  BOOOORING!

But here's the really fun part of the day.  My momma's driving.  (she's going to kill me for this! ha!)  She's really a good driver...I am just a really bad "rider" (that's not what she said)....but I think these two gifs pretty much sum up the day...

 My momma right after we almost rear ended a car "Oh well, there was no one behind us"


haha.  You know I love you mamma and I'd much rather ride in your car and use your gas than take mine and scare YOU to death! 

So, that's what I've been up to the past few days!  Does anyone else's momma's driving scare the you know what out of you?

Linking up with Helene In Between for "Tell Me About it Tuesday" on a Wednesday...because she participated in a blogger day of silence yesterday. :) 

Friday, December 14, 2012

No Words.

I am so filled with sadness right now that I have no room for anything else. 

I am more than heartbroken for the families in Connecticut. 

"Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven."
Matthew 18:10
God Bless.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Saw It. Pinned It. Did It.

Hi Ya'll!

I teased a few of my recent Pinterest projects on Instagram this weekend and now I'm ready to link up for Saw It. Pinned It. Did It. with Beautiful Mess and Keep Calm and Carry On. 

I found this pin this summer, actually, but I am just now writing about it.  It's the simplest dog shampoo and IT WORKS!  It's just Dawn and Vinegar mixed together.  I think just Dawn works too, but maybe there's something special about the vinegar, too?  I don't know.  I just follow directions.  

It works to kill fleas.  I used it on Sadie Mae this summer and she had a few fleas on her from being outside and those suckers (ha, no pun intended) were running to the top of her head trying to get away and then dropped dead.  Is it weird that this thrilled me?  I hate fleas.  I give my dogs flea medicine every month but inevitably they end up with a few on them when they come inside during the summer.  Gotta love HOT as HELL Texas summers.  Try it.  You will love it.  I just  mixed up a big bottle to keep under the kitchen cabinet.

 Sadie Mae looks thrilled, doesn't she?
She gets so frisky after a bath. 
It cracks me up because she is usually super calm.

Next up...hanging all your tall boots.  Genius, no? 
I had The Fiance hang a closet rod down low and bought some baby pant hangers and thought this would be perfect.  Look how nice this girls boots look.  

Then there's my version. 
A couple of things.  The rod needed to be hung higher.  Our house was built in 1964, before they realized women needed a huge closet of. her. own.  My closet is teensy tiny and I have very little storage space for shoes, hence the shoe organizer thing that hangs down in the way. The Fiance hung the rod as high as he could.  So my boots don't quite "hang".  But all in all, it looks much nicer than all my boots piled on top of each other.  Side note: I desperately need a new camera and a new phone.  This picture is crap.
Maybe if I removed the shoe rail (seriously 1964 closets, you suck) they would "hang".
"HONEY......"  haha...let's be honest, it won't be ME removing that rail!

I have been wanting to try this next Pin for a long time!  It's actually like at the very bottom of my "DIY" board on you see, a LONG time! 
On Saturday The Fiance cleaned the entire kitchen and said "will you just clean out the microwave, it's really gross!"  I said "YES, I actually  have something I've been wanting to try!" 

Here's what you do.  Pour some water and vinegar in a microwave safe bowl.  Hit 5 minutes on the microwave.  Go bathe your dog or make a cocktail...or both.  Dog bathing usually makes me need a cocktail.  

 I used a small glass bowl and cheapo vinegar.

 Ew, see how nasty our microwave was? 
This is completely The Fiance's fault. 
I always cover my stuff.

 I waited about 2 minutes after the timer went off and carefully opened the door.
See, the way this works is it creates a steam and "steams" off all that stuck on food.
Use an oven mitt to remove the bowl b/c it's HOT!
I grabbed a sponge I use for dishes and all that nasty food just wiped right off.
No scrubbing.
Ok.  I may have scrubbed one or two stubborn areas but really, it came clean in seconds!
If you've ever tried to clean a microwave that has a lot of nasty stuck on food, you will be in. love. with this.

Whaa-laaa...before and after. 

Me after I successfully complete a Pinterest project and don't F it up 5 times.

Enjoy...The Curvy Life.