Trying to explain to my nail lady who is from Vietnam what "April Fools Day" is...a customer brought it up and she kept asking...I think she's probably more confused now than ever!
Going to look at a house on Saturday that straight up reeked of cigarette smoke and dog feces. I couldn't help it ya'll...I had to cover my nose with my freshly washed, smellin' good hair or I would have puked. AND the owner was there! I wanted to walk right back out of that house but My Honey told me I was being a snob so I had to pretend to be interested.
The fact that my contacts only last about a week before it starts to feel like I have sand paper in my eye balls...NOT COOL! I guess I'm gonna have to get a different brand this year.
Our waiter at Pappadeaux on Friday night. Bless his little heart...well, that's just all I'll say on that one.
I have my pants pinned together with a safety pin today...I need new work pants desperately and just can't ever bring myself to buy's TIME! Weight loss or not, I need to break down and get some new pants!
We put an official offer on a house Monday. We won't know anything for around 30 days because it's a "Short (Should be called Loooong) Sale"
It's First Monday/Canton Trade Days weekend here in the Dallas area and I cannot wait to go Saturday with my mom and sister in law! The temp is supposed to be in the 80's! Hello SPRING! I heart you!!
I get to see my two precious cousins in Peter Pan this weekend at their school play!
My best friends mom got great news, she will start hormone therapy for her breast cancer but as of right now NO CHEMO!!!
Going shopping on my lunch break!
My friend Joni had her baby...Gavin Joseph was born Monday, March 28 at 7:20 p.m. He was 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. OH and I won the "delivery date" pot at extra $50 in my pocket!
Today is Thursday, which means one more day until the WEEKEND baby!!!
Enjoy...The Curvy Life!