I've loving that I finally decided on the paint colors for my hutch! I'm going w/ an "antique white" for all over and this lovely "Twilight Blue" From Martha Stewarts paint collection at Home Depot, for the background! I'll also be paining my kitchen chairs this color! L-O-V-E IT! We're starting the paint projects this weekend so maybe I'll have pics next week!
Here's the hutch...the Twilight Blue will only be on the back, bead board part.
I'm a huge fan of the "Sookie Stackhouse Series" By Charlaine Harris...you know, the books that the show True Blood is based on and the newest book in the series just came out! As always, I'm loving it so far!!
My Honey's mom got me a Cruz E-Reader for Christmas and I love it! I wasn't sure at first but now that I've gotten used to it...how can I ever go back to a book...It's so nice to sit and bed and buy whatever books you desire...nice, yet dangerous on the pocketbook!!
I started watching The United States of Tara a few years ago and this season does not disappoint! It's my Monday night pleasure...or usually Tuesday b/c I don't stay up late enough to watch it on Monday! Who doesn't love a dramedy?
YAY, YAY, YAY!! True Blood comes back on June 26! I. can't. wait. I was seriously depressed when Season 3 was over! Alan Ball has done amazing things with the show!! And although it definitely strays from the books, that's ok b/c it's greatness! I heart you Eric Northman!!!
My newest guilty pleasure of a TV show is The Borgias on HBO. WOW...so much corruption, sex and immoralities in the Catholic Church! Who knew?!? ;) No offense to anyone Catholic...this took place in the late 1400's!
Linking up w/ Jamie @ This Kind of Love! and Lesley @ Mommy in the Making!
Enjoy...The Curvy Life!