Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Waging War on My Weight

Hi Ya'll.
You know what yesterday was?  It was the date that marks exactly NINE months until I say "I Do!"  Holy shit.  That seems like awhile, right?  No.  Have you ever known someone to have a baby.  Do you realize how fast that goes by?  My wedding is a baby away!  You are probably wondering why I am not super duper excited.

You see.  I'm fat.  Like really, really fat.  (hence my blog title that I started a year ago!).  I have dieted and lost and gained over the past year that I've had this blog and ya'll, I suck at dieting.  But here's the deal.  I have quit one to many times.  I have made one to many excuses.  No one, especially my fiance, takes me seriously when I say "I'm going to start dieting and exercising...!"  And sadly, they have every right to feel that way. 


Here are a few reasons why today is the first day of the rest of my life:

I am sore from cleaning yesterday.  Not OK.

I get out of breath at the lest bit of activity or excitement.  Even eating.

My "fat" pants...they're getting tight.

I have high cholesterol.  I'm only 30.

My chin and neck are getting awfully close to being conjoined twins. (Think, Mama June)

My 30 week prego bff tells me things she has problems doing and I say "me too".

I have no desire to do anything.  If I can't wear sweats, count me out.

I "let things go" like the laundry, the dog hair on the floor, pretty  much anything that would entail me getting off the couch.

I am just now starting a diet because I was too lazy the last 2 weekends to buy groceries.

OH and I'm getting married in exactly 9 months from today.  I do not want to look back and regret that I failed myself.

I am pretty sure I have written a few posts just like this in the past.  And that's just embarrassing   Who wants to read a blog about a fat girl who says she's going to better herself but never does?  Ugh, not me.  I read so many blogs that are inspiring.  I'll list a few of my favs at the end!  These awesome ladies struggle and fall and get back up, wipe away the tears, excuses, injuries and KEEP. ON. GOING.  They're truly inspiring and they will motivate the hell out of you!

So Monday, I dusted off the "My Fitness Pal" app and I'm officially counting calories and starting today I will hit the gym!  I will start (for the 50th time) Couch to 5K and weights.
Will it be easy?  Hell no!
Will I want to make every excuse in the book to NOT go, hell yes!
Will I look at a picture of my wedding dress every time I come up with one of my amazing excuses?
Who is with me?  Who is ready to FEEL BETTER?

I have promised my self that once I lose that first 10 lbs I am buying myself a workout top from Ruffles With Love.  Either this or maybe this. Go Check out her Etsy store (click on store name)...she makes some seriously cute stuff!

Here are two of my favorite inspirational blogs:

Mama Laughlin - Mama has lost an insane amount of weight - all the healthy way!  Just by eating right and exercising!  Go check out her blog...you will be inspired!

Miss Madisons Charmed Life - Megan has also lost weight the "right" way.  I found her through Instagram and holy cow, she's a gym rat...the good kind!  She makes  you want to take your hand out of that potato chip bag and get your ass to the gym NOW! 

I want to confess: I was supposed to go to the gym Monday night and due to a back problem my fiance told me I shouldn't go.  I didn't.  I came home and read about back problems and working out.  Everything I read said "walk, get some kind of activity!"  So I vow today, never to use my back as an excuse again.  No matter how bad it hurts!

Linking up with Helene In Between for Tell Me About it Tuesday!  Go check it out!


Nicole | Pharr Away said...

I'm not a fan of working out either and when I told my husband that I was going to start working out this year he didn't take me seriously. It's been 7 years since I've seriously put any effort into working out and these past few weeks I've seen why (this crap is hard and it sucks). But four weeks into it, I'm finally starting to enjoy it and feel like I'm making progress and realize that I can actually do it (stick to it)! I hope the same for you in anticipation for your wedding! I'd love for you to join me the first Mon of each month, if you'd like for Monthly Measures (keeping each other accountable)!

I'm co-hosting Tell Me About it Tuesday and found you through your link! Take Care :)!

Staci said...

You got this! 9 months is puhhhh-lenty of time to get yourself looking sexy. I have found with working out the hardest battle is just getting up & doing it. I go to a workout class at 5:45 AM & by far the hardest part is just getting out of the bed. But as long as your mind is in the right place you are already more than halfway there! And I love those tops! Great Etsy shop find!

Healthy In Heels said...


Hello my name is Vanessa and I am part of the blogger outreach team for Pretty Muddy women's mud run (http://prettymuddywomensrun.com/). We are currently looking for blogging ambassadors and feel your blog may be the perfect fit. Please email me at : vmariscal@wisc.edu if you are interested.

Thank you,