With all that said, occasionally I'm going to curse in my posts. I apologize now if that offends you. For instance this post and the title...."bitch" which is technically a female dog is not being used properly...some might say it's a "bad" word. Who decides that all these words are "bad" anyways? Oh well....on to my post....
So, as I stated in my post from yesterday I hate working out. I am pretty much the world's greatest excuse maker when it comes to working out. I've tried everything from working out with a partner, working out alone, going on my lunch hour, etc. I've tried. it. all. Nothing makes going any easier. I let my partner down usually and if I'm alone then I don't have anyone to let down so it's even easier to not go! ugh! So I saw a form of my newest trick on Pinterest and I changed it up a bit to match my personality. I got two glass jars from Hobby Lobby, some scrap stickers that I already had and labeled one jar "Skinny Bitch" and one "Lazy Bitch". I then got $30 in ones and gave them to my Honey. On the days that I go to the gym like I'm supposed to I get $1 in my "Skinny Bitch" jar! YAY! VACAY MONEY!! But wait...here's the kicker...on the days I don't go to the gym as scheduled he takes $1 out of the "Skinny Bitch" jar and it goes in the "Lazy Bitch" jar. I never get that money back. It goes toward something boring for the house like a fence or fertilizer, you know, something I could give two shits about! (Actually, I'd like a fence b/c I'm lazy and I would love to just kick the dogs outside and go back to watching TV....but don't tell him that!) So, as of right now my "Skinny Bitch" jar is looking pretty good (these aren't updated pics) and sadly, my "Lazy Bitch" jar has a few bucks too....
So...Do you think this would work for you? If so...get your butt to Hobby Lobby and start making some jars!! SKINNY BITCH will win, dammit!!!!
Enjoy....the Curvy Life!
hahah this is so perfect!!! I HATE working out but maybe if I had something like shopping to motivate me... lol